Titelbild Streuwagen

grit spreaders

spreaders for spreading road salt

and grit for winter service

  • capacities 20, 35 and 50 l
  • suitable for road salt, grit and sand
  • adjustable spread rate and spreading width
  • length-adjustable push rod
  • pneumatic wheels with winter tread
Einfuellsieb Streuwagen 400x400

filling screen for separation
of rubbish and lumps of salt

Schubstange Streuwagen 400x400

length adjustable push rod
for ergonomic work

Stuetzfuss Streuwagen 400x400

foldable support leg
for a secure stand

Streumengenregler Streuwagen 400x400

spread rate and width
individually adjustable


for feed hopper


eccentric agitator for
poorly pourable grit

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